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Change Portfullio

For the 3 images, I used Lightroom. For a few years now I've been using lightroom as a way to edit my photos. I started using it because my uncle is a part-time photographer and I really wanted to take photos and edit them to make them look cool. It doesn't have everything on there but I still think it'd a pretty cool app. For the ice cream photo, I edited it by making the contrast darker and make the texture sticks out more. For the blonde dog with the unicorn hat, I changed the coloring and the lighting of the photo. I made the shading lights and the yellow added to it makes it brighter. for the black and white dog, I made the background darker and made the image blueish and purplish to change the photo around. My favorite picture has to be the melted ice cream, it looks really cool to me. I like it better edited. All of them look a bit better to be edited. 

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